Ed Young Devotionals

Go God's Way

Written by Admin | Oct 31, 2017 5:00:00 AM


Exodus 2:11-12, "One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of this own people. Looking this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand."


Have you ever done something wrong and thought you'd gotten away with it, only to realize you hadn't gotten away with anything at all? Moses found himself in that position. He took things into his own hands (literally) and killed an Egyptian who had been mistreating a Jew. As a result, Pharaoh put a bounty on Moses' head. Moses' major mistake makes it seem like God's plan slips out of his hands like a ‘BUTTERFINGER.' So Moses ‘SKITTLES' out to the desert and seems to disappear for good. The problem is, while Moses looked left and right before killing the Egyptian, he never looked up to God! Don't be like Moses. Whenever you find yourself facing a situation where you can act one way, stop for a minute and ask God if that's the way He would have you act. Don't take things into your own hands. Instead, put everything in God's hands and trust Him!


Read the account of Moses' killing of the Egyptian in Exodus 2:11-15. And commit this phrase to memory to help you avoid making the same kinds of mistake: We always pay when we do things our own way!


Dear God, I trust that You have the perfect plan for my life. Whenever I find myself in a position to act one way or another, give me the discipline to stop and seek Your plan first. In Jesus' name, Amen.