Ed Young Devotionals

Give It Up!

Written by Admin | Oct 12, 2018 5:00:00 AM


Matthew 6:21, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."


"Are you living in the sweet spot of God's success?" Simply wearing a jersey or team colors to a game doesn't necessarily make someone a diehard sports fan. Hardcore fans not only look the part, they act the part! Their actions indicate their level of commitment to their team. Dallas Cowboys fans don't think twice about paying $1,900 for season tickets and spending a small fortune on parking and overpriced food and drinks. Why? Their hearts are in it. Why then, when it comes to investing in the local church, do so many people have such a difficult time giving to that which matters most -- the things of God? It's not a financial issue, it's a heart issue. That's precisely why the Bible tells us to examine where we are spending our money, investing in our "treasure." Our investments reflect where our heart is and wh o we really belong to. Remember, in the game of life, every day is game day. Are you living in the sweet spot of God's success today? Start by placing him first in your relationships, thoughts, actions, and finances.


Stop and look at your finances today. Where are you spending your money? What does the location of your treasure have to say about the location of your heart?


Dear Lord, Thank you for blessing me with all that I have. I want to place you first above all else. Help me to evaluate my actions and align my heart with yours. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.