Ed Young Devotionals

Get a Grip!

Written by Admin | Mar 18, 2020 5:00:00 AM


Proverbs 3:5-7, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil."


Does the phrase, "You never know what tomorrow may bring," give you a sense of excitement or cause you to recoil in fright? If the unknown is scary, it's often because "the known" is driving it - the past. Bad or hurtful experiences can linger in our minds for years, taking up way too much space as we waste time looking in the rearview mirror of our lives. And if left unchecked, this fear can paralyze us from moving at all. Today's passage reminds us of a much better way to face the unknown. When we trust that God is in control, we don't have to worry about what lies ahead as He makes our paths straight. God never asks us to look to ourselves for answers. Instead, He promises that if we lean on His understanding and constant presence that we'll have nothing to fear - except God. To fear God doesn't mean we cower before Him afraid of what He might do. It means we stand in awe of His power, willingly submitting ourselves, our plans, our thoughts, our solutions, our EVERYTHING to Him. Then, instead of being gripped by fear, we trust the Overcomer - Jesus Christ - to guide us into the unknown! Today, release your fear of the unknown and get a grip - a God grip - and lean wholeheartedly on Him!


Take a moment to consider anything you fear in the future. Now, get a grip! Read the prayer below and deliberately choose to trust God with these unknowns.


Sovereign God, I am going to trust you with ________ and not lean on my own understanding. I submit all my ways to You and trust You to make my paths straight. I will not be wise in my own eyes but will fear You and shun evil. In Jesus' name, Amen.