Ed Young Devotionals

Focus, Focus, Focus

Written by Admin | Oct 18, 2018 5:00:00 AM


Matthew 22:37, "Jesus replied, ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment.'"


"Don't waste your worship!"

There's no doubt about it, college football has some of the most fanatical followers around! You see them every Saturday afternoon in stadiums across the land; they are primed up, painted up, and pumped up to cheer their teams on to victory.

But what are those fans really doing? If you really think about it, they are worshipping! To worship simply means to hold something – a person, place, or thing – in high esteem.

In our world, people worship all kinds of things, from the environment to the animal kingdom to our own bodies. None of those things are bad; but they are simply the creation, not our supernatural Creator. And when they become the focus of our worship, we miss out on the point of worship.

Don't waste your worship. Instead, focus first and foremost on your heavenly Creator. And discover how true worship can help you get the most out of the game of life!


Everyone worships. The question is, what are you worshipping? Take a look at your week's upcoming calendar and see where your time is going. That will show you what is truly a priority. If time with God isn't there, make a point to schedule it in each day, and focus first on Him!


God, I know that I will only get the most out of life when I look to you first. So as I start out this day, help me to focus on you before I focus on anything or anyone else! Amen.