Ed Young Devotionals

Fighting Giants

Written by Admin | Jun 17, 2019 5:00:00 AM


Psalm 22:1 "My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? Why are You so far from saving me, so far from my cries of anguish?"


This heartfelt cry comes from David, the most famous giant slayer of all time. We know him for his famous battle with the giant, Goliath, but his anguish here is because of a multitude of giants he faced throughout his life. His plea for help lets us know we can do the same when we face giants of our own! In fact, this same cry was also echoed by Jesus on the cross as one of the seven last words he uttered while suspended between heaven and earth battling his own giant. What type of giant are you facing? Financial? Relational? Physical? Mental? Marital? Let the example of both Jesus and David give you permission to cry out to God, too. God can seem distant at times and our prayers can feel like they don't penetrate the ceiling, as this passage reveals, but be confident that he does hear and does come through when we call on his name. With flying colors on the third day, he supervised his Son's conquering of the giant called "death" and he can help you overcome whatever giant you are fighting, as well.


Think back on a time when you faced a giant in your life and called out to God and he came through. Remember that feeling of victory and resolve right now to call on him like Jesus and David did when you come face-to-face with your next giant. Have Godfidence that he will come through for you when you cry out to him!


God, when I think back on how you have helped so many people in scripture to conquer their individual giants, it gives me incredible confidence knowing that you can do the same for me. I am more than a conqueror, through you, and I claim victory, knowing you are on my side. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.