Ed Young Devotionals

Change Your Mind!

Written by Admin | May 22, 2019 5:00:00 AM


Mark 6:12, "They went out and preached that people should repent."


In today's verse, the disciples immediately obeyed Jesus' command to go out and share God's truth. Every day, people live their own versions of life without realizing that they are heading straight towards eternal separation from God. For that reason, the disciples acted quickly. They understood the urgency of this message because, without repentance, they knew people could not experience the life God wanted to give them. Repenting is about changing our minds, which we do multiple times a day. But it is more than that; it's a complete resetting of the mind. The disciples went out and taught those in a mayday dilemma that they needed to repent – to take the first action step toward God's course correction before it was too late! Living a life based on our own terms is really a life of rejecting Christ and being receptive to sin. By repenting, completely changing our minds, we flip the script by choosing to receive Christ and reject sin. If you are in a mayday dilemma, Jesus is the only answer. Don't delay, make the decision to repent today! Because, right now, Jesus is ready to respond to your mayday call.


Are you in a mayday situation? Your first step is repentance. Now is the opportunity to reject sin and receive Jesus by praying the prayer below. Do you know someone in a mayday dilemma? Take this moment to pray for an opportunity to share Jesus Christ with them.


Dear God, I'm in a mayday dilemma and I need you. I know I have been living a life that rejects your Son, Jesus, and chooses sin instead. I want to change that now. I want to repent, to turn from my sin and receive Jesus. Thank you for loving me enough to hear my call and save me. In Jesus' name, Amen!