Ed Young Devotionals

Beware When You Compare

Written by Admin | Aug 11, 2019 5:00:00 AM


Proverbs 14:30, "A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones."


Envy is lethal. It is unhealthy for your well-being and destructive to your relationships. That's why we need to beware when we compare. Comparing yourself to others is never a good thing. Half of them do it better than you, which leads to discouragement, and half do it worse than you, which leads to pride. It's a no-win situation any way you look at it. That's why Solomon reminds us to avoid envy like the plague! Human nature usually focuses our envy and jealousy on those who have the same gifts and talents as we do. It keeps us from genuinely encouraging and celebrating those who we have the most in common with! God has a better alternative. He wants us to have a heart of peace, one that rests in contentment and beats to the rhythm of his Son's heart. Jesus knew who he was, he knew his purpose. So, he could celebrate others rather than competing with them. Let today's scripture be your prescription for living a life marked by peace. Be aware and beware when you compare!


Think about one person who you find yourself constantly envious or jealous of. Complete these three important steps: 1- Ask yourself why you are envious of this person. 2- Choose to celebrate their successes and encourage them in their setbacks. 3- Pray the following prayer every day until that jealousy disappears.


God, I confess to you right now that I have been envious and jealous of __________. Reveal to me why my envy and jealousy are so strong. Help me to rejoice in their successes and pray for comfort for them when they fail. Deliver me from these unhealthy feelings and replace them with peace. In Jesus' name, Amen.