Ed Young Devotionals

All Alone

Written by Admin | Sep 25, 2018 5:00:00 AM


Genesis 32:24,  "So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak." Psalms 46:10, "Be still, and know that I am God..."


"With God, we are never really alone." When was the last time you unplugged? I'm talking shut down your computer, turned off the radio, put your phone away and had a moment of peace and quiet. In our society, we are constantly wired with social media, streaming entertainment, and technology at our fingertips. We are never really alone and forced to look at our lives, reflect on who we have become or evaluate our behavior. There is always a distraction that helps us avoid the introspection. In today's verse, Jacob had sent his family and his possessions away while they were fleeing his dysfunctional family. And in his solitude, God wrestled with him. God began his greatest work in Jacob's life in isolation. Imagine what God can do in your life if you truly press pause on everything else and spend time alone with him. God can bring hope and healing, even if it requires pain and patience. It may not be easy, but it will be worth it. Don't let the fear of temporary pain keep you from the eternal joy that is waiting for you.


Are there times during the day when you pick up your phone or turn on the TV to veg and escape? Don't do that today. Instead, spend some quiet time with God. Whether you write in a journal, read your Bible or simply talk to him, it will be time well-spent.


God, it's so easy to distract myself, even with good things, to avoid being alone with you. I know you can use times when I'm alone for my good. Help me to trust you today and be intentional in my time with you. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen!