Ed Young Devotionals

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Written by Admin | Mar 31, 2019 5:00:00 AM


James 1:22, "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says."


Just Do It Everywhere you look there is the ever popular "check sign" that is the famous Nike logo. Commercials through the years have driven "Just Do It" into our brains. In today's passage from the practical book of James, the writer is challenging us to put actions behind our words, calling for us to add the walk to our talk. The Word of God, the Bible, was given to us for our protection, inspection, correction and direction. But it's not enough just to read it, we must put legs under it and make it walk in our daily lives. Otherwise, it means nothing until we flesh it out and live it out. If we don't act or react to what we see in studying His Word, we are deceiving ourselves and self-deception is a terrible turnover in the game of life, and it hurts the heart of God as well. St Francis of Assisi once said "Proclaim the gospel and if necessary use words." Let your light shine for God's glory by living out the lines from the pages of scripture and make a new commitment to..."Just Do It!"


Every time you see the famous Nike Logo, let it be a reminder for you to "Just Do It". Put into practice the passages you read from the Bible. When you do that, your actions will always speak much louder than words to others as well as to our ultimate Coach...God!


God, thank You for the book of James and the wisdom that leaps off the page and into my heart. Please help me to always act on what I read and to always practice what is presented from Your Word. I love You and can't thank You enough for the Bible as it leads and guides me each day. I pray all of this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.