Ed Young Devotionals

A Perfect 10

Written by Admin | Apr 28, 2018 5:00:00 AM


Proverbs 3:9-10,  "Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine."


"Do you have your money? Or does your money have you?" We work hard for our money. But the Bible tells us that our money can also work hard for us! It can become a tool that we use to honor God and promote his purpose. What does it mean to honor? Our culture loves to honor people with awards and titles, but what does it really mean to honor someone? To honor is to give worth to another by doing something. It can also mean to promote or make someone known. The Bible talks about honoring God with our bodies, our time, and our talent. But it also talks about honoring God with our finances. In the verse above, it's called the "first fruits," but it's also referred to as the "tithe" – the first 10% of our income. You may be asking, "Why would God need my money? He's God. He has everything He needs!" And while that is true, bringing back the tithe is not about God needing our money. It's about us needing God. It's the primary way for us to break our dependency on money and put our faith in him. When we tithe, not only are we honoring God by giving him our first, but we are reiterating that he is first in our lives and that we trust him completely. The best part? When we consistently bring the first 10% to the church, God promises to bless us in ways we cannot possibly imagine, AND we get to play an active part in the life-change happening at Fellowship Church!


If you have never tithed, click below on the Give button and start today! You can easily set up a recurring gift and start bringing God your best. If you already tithe, ask God to bless what you bring and use it to impact the lives of others!


God, Thank you for your blessings in my life. Help me to be less dependent on what you have given me and more dependent on you. Give me the faith to continually bring back the tithe.