Ed Young Devotionals

A Heart Overflowing

Written by Admin | Jul 10, 2019 5:00:00 AM


Luke 6:45, "The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart... For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks."


Life is full of ups and downs. But some life experiences are more challenging than others and can leave lasting emotional scars. The memories from these traumatic experiences can dominate our thoughts and define our lives. Before we know it, our actions and words become reflections of that inner turmoil. We've put those memories in the driver's seat. It's true that we can't choose our memories, but we can choose to edit them. How do we do that? First, take time to do a H.A.L.T. exam. Are you Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired? These are times when we are more vulnerable to the enemy's lies. He can convince us that we are alone in our experiences. When we fall for those lies it can lead to making harmful, emotional decisions. But, when we choose to ask God to examine our hearts and reveal what's really going on inside of us, we can begin to see our memories through God's eyes. These edited memories can become monuments of growth as God uses them to strengthen us and help us to make wise decisions. Our hearts begin to experience healing and the overflowing result is that our traumatic experiences can then be used to help others. The good that God has done in us will help us to bring good into the lives of others.


Is there is an experience that continues to challenge you? Consider seeking wise counsel to help you sort through it. As you do, let God edit that memory into a monument of growth that will not only help you, but help someone else as well.


Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me as you do. In my emotional lows, I ask that you examine my heart and show me what is really going on inside of me. Please use every experience in my life for your good. Let them become monuments of growth that can help someone else as they have me. In Jesus' name, Amen!