Ed Young Devotionals

Believe It!

Written by Admin | Aug 1, 2020 5:00:00 AM


Genesis 17:4, 9, "As for Me, this is my covenant with you: You will be the father of many nations. ... Then God said to Abraham, ‘As for you, you must keep My covenant, you and your descendants after you for the generations to come.'"

Psalm 16:8, "I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken."


Who can blame Sarah for laughing? She was ninety-years-old when she received word from God that she'd conceive Abraham's son. Thinking, "That's impossible!" she laughed. But coming to the realization that God's promise was true, imagine the happy couple jumping up and down yelling, "We will birth a nation!" Never in their wildest dreams did they think God would birth the twelve tribes of Israel through their grandson! But, despite God's faithfulness to His covenant, Abraham's descendants found it hard to remain obedient to God. It was a struggle for them, just like it often is for us today.

It's just like God to call His children to do the seemingly impossible. At first, it seems like an amazing, exciting plan. But in our humanness, we often get overwhelmed thinking about the obstacles in our way. But God didn't call us to overcome every obstacle. He called us to obey His commands and follow the path He's placed before us despite the obstacles.

So, with each step taken, with each promise fulfilled, the easier it gets to truly understand and believe in our hearts that where God guides, God always provides!


What is God calling you to do that you may be putting aside? Write down the reasons or obstacles that are stopping you from fulfilling that call. Now, ask God for the courage to take the steps of obedience needed to fulfill His plan.


Dear God, please give me the courage to be obedient and follow the steps You've set before me. I trust You and know that You will provide a way to carry out Your plan. In Jesus' name, Amen!