Ed Young Devotionals

A Throne Doesn't Make You King

Written by Admin | May 18, 2021 5:00:00 AM


Psalm 75-78

Psalm 75:6-7, 9, "No one from the east or the west or from the desert can exalt themselves. It is God who judges: He brings one down, he exalts another. As for me, I will declare this forever; I will sing praise to the God of Jacob...."


For $1,500 on Amazon, you can buy a very ornate black and gold throne. But even if you purchase it and live in a castle, sitting on a throne doesn't make you royal or give you a kingdom.

All of us have times when we live as if we are the king sitting on the throne of our own lives. But God alone is ultimately in command of heaven and earth, and it's His judgment that matters. Even in the lives of the biblical power players such as Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and David, we see moments when they were exalted and moments when they were brought low. But even in their greatest moments, they never reigned supreme.

Even Jesus, on the Sunday before His death, was praised as He entered Jerusalem for the last time. But by Friday, He was deserted and betrayed; He was crucified on a cross - a death reserved for the worst of criminals. But He showed that He was more than a man. On the third day, He rose again to ultimate victory! Christ, the Son of God, is the sovereign judge! He reigns supreme!

Whatever your position - man-made throne to sit on or not - surrender your life to the King of kings. In high times or low, allow Jesus to sit on the throne of your life!


Lord, When it seems like chaos abounds, remind me that You are not blind to the circumstances and situations around me. Whether I am exalted or brought low, let me always trust in You and sing Your praise! Amen.